Update from SKCEE

Posted August 31, 2022

Good Afternoon SKCEE Community, 

This morning we successfully completed our first fire drill of the 22-23 school year. Students and staff did a great job of exiting the building quickly and quietly!

We also wanted to share what we are doing to help mitigate the heat and the effect it has on everyone in our building. We are currently using all available air conditioners and fans to help lower the heat in our classrooms.  We are also monitoring the temperatures in our classrooms and recording them multiple times a day. This report is shared with our Operational Superintendent, as she and her team are the ones who make the final decision on heat closures. 

 As we make every effort to ensure that our school stays open and that our students and educators feel comfortable, our number one priority is the safety and well-being of them all. If the temperature within our facility rises to a degree that we feel is unsafe to host classes, there is a possibility that our school may have an early-release Heat Day. Please read the attached letter for detailed  information regarding Heat Days at SKCEE.  Heat Day Communication to Families -2022.

Here are some additional things we are doing to help cool everyone off:

  • Today, our students (and staff) enjoyed running through the sprinklers during their gross motor times. 
  • We are also adding ice and water to the classroom water tables.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out. 

The SKCEE Team