Posted December 6, 2022
Dear Families,
Welcome to December! This is one of my favorite times of the year. Everything feels magical. Perfect crystals fall from the sky, we cuddle, warm and toasty under heavy blankets, reading bedtime stories, we drink hot chocolate and build snow people. Our kids are home from school providing more opportunities for connection, traditions and sometimes exhaustion. As parents, I truly believe that each of us does our very best. We plan, we worry, we advocate, we kiss scrapes, we laugh, we wipe noses, we cook, we clean. The list is endless. In the process, we learn. When my younger son was in preschool, his teacher shared this quote from Leonard Cohen:
“Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.”
As a parent, trying to do everything right, it provided me with a sense of peace. It helped me see that imperfections are what let the light in. Light brings joy and hope and allows us to see more clearly. If that playdate is a disaster, the museum visit is chaotic, or you lose your patience, remember that it’s those imperfect moments that let the light in. My hope is that you find ways to enjoy the light of this season, figuratively and literally, whether it is shining through your child’s eyes, twinkling in the trees, or glowing from candles in your home.
In learning,
Aimee Justice-Lundt
Assistant Principal
What a lovely sentiment shared by Ms. Aimee, who is truly a light in our community! On behalf of myself and the entire SKCEE staff, we wish you a wonderful month full of love and light. Enjoy the winter break and holiday season. This first half of the school year has been a gift, and I am full of excitement for the new year and seeing you all again in January.
In partnership,
Shelley Boberschmidt
MLE-PAC Meeting: Please join leadership and multilingual teachers to discuss what English Language Development classes look like at SKCEE. This informational meeting is specifically for parents and families who have multilingual children but all are welcome. We will provide snacks, share the curriculum, and discuss the standardized assessment given to kindergarten English language learners in January.
Winter Party: In order to support families who havestudents at Cory and other surrounding schools, our winter celebration will be held in classrooms on Friday, December 16th before noon. Individual teachers will share class specific information.
From Cory Elementary: Cory Open House – Friday, January20, 2023, at 9:00 am Presentation in the auditorium, followed by tours from parent volunteers. Sign up here.
RSV information: There are so many viruses and illnesses circulating in our community. Please readthis letter from our amazing nurse, Jen Iltis. The new state recommendation is that if your child has any respiratory symptoms it is recommended that he/she stay home for 72 hours.
Library books: Please be sure to return your library books. You are welcome to drop them off in the library or ask your classroom teacher where in the classroom they should be placed to be returned.
Licensing Reminders: Please remember that all items that come to school should be labeled, especially water bottles and lunch boxes.
December Cafeteria Volunteers: HERE is the new link. Please join us!
Stock the Lounge: Wednesday, December 7: Each month, the PTA’s Hospitality Committee is asking a group of classes to bring in snacks to help keep SKCEE teachers and staff fueled for their busy days! Stock the Lounge items can include non-perishable, individually-packaged snacks and drinks like granola/protein/cereal bars, crackers, cookies and coffee/tea K-cups. This month, we are collecting Stock the Lounge items on Wednesday, December 7 from the following classes: Kline, Russell, Hart. There will be collection boxes at the kiss-in-go line, front of the building, and the Cory bus stop.
Order Minted Holiday Cards & Give Back to SKCEE: This holiday season, SKCEE is partnering with Minted to raise money for our school! Use our code FUNDRAISESKCEE and receive 20% OFF your holiday card and gift purchases––and Minted will donate 15% back to SKCEE! To participate, visit to start shopping, then apply FUNDRAISESKCEE at checkout. Please forward this code to family and friends––the more people who shop Minted using our code, the more SKCEE raises!
December PTA Meeting is Canceled: There will not be a general PTA meeting in December, but we look forward to reconvening in 2023 on Thursday, January 19 at 5pm.
December 7: Stock the Lounge
December 13: MLE-PAC 1st semester community meeting
December 16th: Winter Celebrations in classrooms
December 17-January 3: Winter Break
January 4: Students return to school
PTA and CSC are canceled in December