October Family Newsletter

Posted October 6, 2023

October 2023

Dear SKCEE Families and Friends, 
Welcome to October, cooler temperatures, and colorful leaves! Students have settled into the routines and rituals of school and are actively engaging in their learning. In ECE, students are exploring trees until the end of this month, and next month they’ll study bread. Our kindergarteners are learning about their senses and have had fun opportunities tasting and smelling interesting things!
Our fabulous PTA hosted a family picnic last week and it was great to see so many of you on the playground, connecting with each other and eating pizza. We have more opportunities this month for you to engage with our community. On Friday, October 27th we will host the SKCEE Scamper and you are welcome to come cheer on your runner, walker, roller. More details in the PTA section.. October 31st we host our annual Halloween Parade. Please join our school out on the field as students walk the loop in their costumes and then return to their classrooms. The parade begins at 9. If you are looking for even more chances to be in our amazing school and support teachers and the classroom, please sign up to be a room parent. We still have several classrooms without a room parent. Speaking of volunteering, we had more than 50 volunteers support during our Tie Dye Days this week. You all are truly amazing and our kids are rocking some very cheerful shirts today. Thanks to Cookie Caskie for orchestrating another year of this fun tradition.
In learning,
Principal Shelley and Assistant Principal Aimee
Beautiful stuff: As we expand our outdoor learning spaces and loose parts, we are asking for your used beautiful stuff to enhance our collections! This month we are asking for you to bring in “likable recyclables” and other items so we can continue to play and explore. Please do not feel like you need to go buy things – we want to encourage exploration of nature and repurposing materials. Thank you in advance. We will have collection boxes out in the front hall.  We are excited to explore pumpkins (all shapes and sizes), small wood scraps, flowers, pinecones, seashells and rocks.  If you have extra vinegar, baking soda or food coloring we would also greatly appreciate these items.    
Tuition: Tuition is managed centrally through DPS. If you have questions about tuition and billing please call 720.423.3696. 
School Supply Fees: Thanks to those of you who have paid your $85 per child school supply fee. Please see Staci Becker in the front office if you’d like to pay cash or check, or monthly.
Health Office: With the start of school and now the cold and flu season upon us, be on the lookout for common illnesses amongst your students! Please help to prevent the spread of illness by staying home when you are sick, wearing a mask when you have illness symptoms or have a known exposure, cover coughs and sneezes with your elbow, wash your hands regularly with soap and water, and clean and disinfect high touch surfaces regularly. Please feel free to reach out to the SKCEE Health Office if you ever have any questions or concerns about anything health or illness related for your student!Sincerely,Health Technician: Janese Bean (Monday-Friday) 720-424-6505 janese_bean4@dpsk12.net & School Nurse: Eve Valiquette (Tuesday & Thursday) 720-424-6555 evelyn_valiquette@dpsk12.net
Family Survey: We would like to take the opportunity to get to know you and your family better.  If you have not done so already, please complete this short survey.  If you have more than one child at SKCEE, please complete this survey for each child.
Scamper: Friday 10/27 10am-2pm: The SKCEE Scamper is the biggest PTA fundraiser of the year!  The students will run around the fields of the school encouraged by families, faculty and a DJ during their class’s designated time.  We ask families, friends, and relatives to donate to sponsor the young runners, rollers and walkers. Be on the lookout for more information about how to sponsor a student online through coming emails. There will be a silent auction the week leading up to the Scamper.  We are still in need of donated items – anything from gift cards to events tickets to weekend getaway experiences are greatly appreciated.  Room Parents will be coordinating themed baskets for the auction for their classroom as well. Sponsorship opportunities are also available for the event.  Introduce your business to the families of our school – visibility will reach 340 families!  Sponsorships range from $250-$5,000. If you are interested in donating items or learning more about what each sponsorship level entails, please email Kristen Merrow at: kristenrmerrow@gmail.com.
Next PTA Meeting: The next PTA meeting is WEDNESDAY, 10/11 at 5pm in the PD room – This is a day earlier than usual because of SCKEE’s mini fall break. Childcare will be provided.
October Dine and Shop Outs: Tuesday, 10/10 – Dine Out at  Ni Tuyo 4pm – 10pm – Enjoy dine in or take out and Ni Tuyo will donate 10% of ALL sales back to SKCEE.  No code required for this event. Wednesday, 10/18 – Dine Out at The Pioneer 5pm-9pm – 20% of all food sales will be  donated back to SKCEE. No code required for this event. Friday, 10/27 – Shop Out at Wish Boutique (both locations). 10% of all sales mentioning the fundraiser will be donated back to SKCEE. Code: SKCEE2023 for online purchases.
Donations Needed: Support our neighbors experiencing homelessness: Principal Shelley’s husband Jim has worked at the St.Francis Center, a day shelter, for over 20 years. This year they have experienced more need than ever, and are in a clothing crisis with increased migrants arriving in Denver ill-prepared for the winter weather. The specific needs are shoes, pants, sweatshirts, coats, and jackets, mostly for adult men, but women’s and children’s are welcome. We will have large boxes in the foyer in the coming weeks, and as you transition your summer wardrobe to fall and winter, please bring your gently used warm items to SKCEE to support our community members. Learn more about the center and the services they provide  here. Thank you in advance for your generosity!


October 10, 4-10 pm: Dine Out to benefit SKCEE at Ni Tuyo

October 12-16: Mini Fall Break for students

October 18, 5-9 pm: Dine Out at the Pioneer

October 17 and 19, 4pm-7:30pm: Family conferences

October 27: SKCEE Scamper

October 31, 9 am: Halloween Parade