Posted January 10, 2025
Dear SKCEE Families and Friends,
Thank you all for the outpouring of love and support for the Jhawer family. Our SKCEE community will not be the same without Rory’s presence, and our staff sends our deepest condolences to the family.
In partnership and with love,
Principal Shelley Boberschmidt
Kindergarten Chromebooks:
For our families who were unable to pick up their child’s assigned chromebook at in person registration, they have been distributed to kinder teachers. Teachers will share specific dates and procedures soon.
Kindergarten Learning:
Our kindergarten butterflies are busy learning about the five senses, working on letter names and sounds, and how to read CVC (consonant vowel consonant) words. In math they are working on patterns. At recess they are learning how to play safely and with friends, and how to resolve conflict.
ECE Learning:
In ECE we are busy learning about pets! We will be wrapping up our pet unit and starting to learn about trees. We are excited to take nature walks and become scientists as we learn all about trees. ECE is also learning how to play, how to share, and all about feelings.
Parking Lots / Drop Off and Pick Up:
We have started to have some issues with our parking lots. Please remember to drive safely, slowly, and carefully, and do not stop in the driving lanes. If there is not parking in front, please loop through again until a spot opens, or consider parking on the streets surrounding and walking over. There may also be room to park on the west side of the school lot, as our staff parks in back to make more room for families. When exiting the lot, please turn right during arrival and dismissal. Waiting to turn left causes jams in the lot. And finally, remember our children are always watching and listening to us, and we need to model the way with kindness and mutual respect. Please support one another with these systems to keep our community safe and friendly.
SKCEE Scamper:
Parents, don’t forget to Sponsor Your Runner(s) for the upcoming Scamper! Visit the SKCEE Scamper website and click the “Register your runner” button at the top of the page. Once registered, you can share your child’s personal link or the campaign link with friends and family to start receiving donations.
PTA Meeting:
Our next PTA meeting will be on Monday, Oct. 7 at 5:00 in room 101. Childcare provided in room 108. See you there!
Monday, October 7: PTA Meeting in Room 101 at 5:00 (No CSC in October)
Thursday and Friday, October 10 and 11: District Training Day and Mini Fall Break NO SCHOOL for students
Monday, October 14: NO SCHOOL for students (Conference comp day) This was miscommunicated in September.
Tuesday and Wednesday, October 22 and 23: Family Conferences with teachers 3:30-7:30. Look for sign ups in your classroom communications.
Wednesday, October 30: Individual Picture Retake Day
Thursday, October 31: We will not be hosting “Halloween” parties this year in classrooms in an effort to maintain routines for our children and to honor all cultures, many of whom don’t celebrate the holiday. Some teachers may choose to do some fall activities this day.
Friday, November 1: Optional Halloween Parade @ 3:30 (New this year, Halloween will be celebrated the day after the holiday and outside of the school day. If you choose to participate, please sign your child out at the classroom between 3-3:15 and dress them in their costumes for a parade around the field after school!)