Category: News

Discovery Link Summer Camp Enrollment

Discovery Link offers summer camps for students aged 5-12 years old* at various locations throughout Denver. Select locations also offer ECE summer camps for students aged 3-4 years old**. Summer camps will include outdoor programming and engaging activities in theContinue Reading

January Newsletter

LEADER LETTER Dear Parents and Families!Welcome to 2024! We hope you had a fantastic break and enjoyed the time with your kids. We both spent much of our time enjoying our own children and relaxing. It was great to comeContinue Reading

Kindergarten Fair at SKCEE

ECE 4 Families are invited to our Kindergarten Fair at SKCEE  Please join us on Wednesday, January 10, 2024 2:45 pm – 4:00 pm in our gym.  Enrollment opens on Thursday, Jan.  11 @ 10 am – All ECE 4 FamiliesContinue Reading

SKCEE Spirit Week

Monday – Inside Out Day Tuesday – Kings & Queens Day Wednesday – Pattern Day Thursday – Favorite Color Day Friday Pajama Day

Nutrition on a Budget ~ Free Workshop

Provided by: The Culture of Wellness in Preschool Program CU Anschutz Learn some tips and trick when shopping on a budget Learn how to incorporate nutrition to low-cost meals Take some time to organize your meals Wednesday, December 13th, 2-3 pmContinue Reading

Quick Virtual PTA Meeting

Please join us for a last minute (& quick) Virtual PTA meeting to vote on a time sensitive matter regarding the SKCEE holiday budget. Click HERE to join the meeting on Wednesday, December 6, at 7pm. 

December Family Newsletter

LEADER LETTER Dear Parents and Families,Welcome to December! It has been so lovely to be back at school this week. The Reggio training and the National Education For Young Children (NAEYC) conference were inspiring and thought provoking. We are incrediblyContinue Reading

SKCEE Family Newsletter

November 2023 (Special Early Edition) LEADER LETTER Dear SKCEE Families and Friends, Welcome to our Special Spooky Monday Edition! We couldn’t wait to share the amazing news with you that our PTA, together with your support, and our amazing students, raisedContinue Reading

SKCEE Thanksgiving Luncheon

October 11, 2023 Dear  SKCEE Community,  Our annual SKCEE Thanksgiving Luncheon will be held on Tuesday, November 14, 2023. We invite all families to come and join their students and teachers for a delicious lunch!  Click here to view theContinue Reading

Winter Enrichments Registration Opens on 10/26!

Winter Session 2023-2024 Monday, DECEMBER 4th- Friday, FEBRUARY 23rd Registration starts THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26th at 6am and ends THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9th at 10pm. Below are the steps to follow beginning on OCTOBER 26th.  Please review this ELCS Enrichment Policies/ PolíticasContinue Reading

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