Lunch & Snack Menus

Food and Nutrition Services photoshoot at South High School in February 2018

MARCH 2025

Access SchoolCafe here – please be advised that our school is listed as Knight ECE in the drop down menu. SchoolCafe will post breakfast, lunch and snack menus as they become available. Please also make sure you are selecting the preschool menu for all students.

Healthy School Meals for All: Complete the You Benefit! Form Now

All students in DPS will have access to free healthy, nutritious school meals beginning in the 2023-24 school year thanks to the Healthy School Meals for All program approved by Colorado voters! While meals will be provided for free to all DPS students through Healthy School Meals for All, families will still need to complete a form to ensure DPS gets full access to available federal funding.

What this means for families:

Learn more about the Healthy School Meals for All program in a short video in English and Spanishthis flier (Spanish is on page 2), or by visiting the Healthy School Meals for All website.

If you have questions about completing the You Benefit! form, please contact the DPS Food & Nutrition Services department by calling 720-423-5600 or emailing the inbox.


You can also easily access all menus in the SchoolCafé app, which can be downloaded through the App Store or Google Play.

Families can also access the menus through the SchoolCafé website. Useful features include:

Access SchoolCafe here – please be advised that our school is listed as Knight ECE in the drop down menu.

Lunch Information

5 Smart Tips for Packing Your Preschooler’s Lunch

One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to school lunch. Find out how to pack healthy lunches your toddler or preschooler will eat up!

Tray with food

Packed lunches aren’t just for K-12 kids. If your child attends daycare or eats lunch at preschool, you may be prepping lunch boxes every day too. A lot of lunches you see online are geared toward older kids, so here are a few tips for packing for the pint-sized set:

1. Rethink portions. One of my biggest tips for parents who see a lot of unfinished food come home: Cut back on the amount that you pack. Big portions can be overwhelming to kids—especially little kids—and that may prevent them from even starting. Small portions simply look more doable. Five grapes is a lot more manageable than a big bunch! I actually find that the less I pack, the more food my kids eat.

2. Go for hand-held. Hand-held foods are my favorite for packed lunches, especially for little kids who may still be learning how to manage utensils. Finger foods are quicker and easier to eat and more likely to go from lunch box to belly. Cut sandwiches into four smaller pieces and slice fruit. Pack a cloth napkin for messy hands.

3. Consider the packaging. Toddlers and preschoolers may have a tough time opening packages—and teachers may be stretched thin when helping kids during lunch. When possible, unwrap packaged foods. Even opening bananas can be tricky at this age. Cutting a slit in the stem will help get them started. Also, be sure to get a lunch box that’s easy to open and close (sounds silly, but I know from experience that a cute lunch box is no good if your kid can’t even open it!). And be sure your child is able to open and close all containers easily (practice at home to be sure).

4. Watch out for choking hazards. For kids age 4 and younger, slice foods into small pieces and avoid things like chunks of hot dog, popcorn, whole nuts, whole grapes, and chunks of meat or cheese that could get lodged in their throats.

5. Think outside the box. This is a perfect time to start building healthy eating habits, so consider ALL types of food when packing, not just the usual lunch box staples. For instance, instead of a sandwich, you could pack some bites of leftover chicken or pieces of hard-boiled egg. Don’t think your child will eat veggies at lunchtime? I didn’t think mine would eat leftover roasted broccoli until I packed it—and he ate it! Here are some fun lunch box ideas for little kids that will help them learn their letters while having fun with food.

For more inspiration, check out these 20 Healthy Lunchboxes for Toddlers and Preschoolers and follow the hashtag #healthylittlelunchbox on Instagram.

Sally Kuzemchak, MS, RD, is a registered dietitian, educator, and mom of two who blogs at Real Mom Nutrition